This week we were invited to do a workshop with the kids at HOLA (Heart of Los Angeles). HOLA is an incredible program that provides underserved youth with exceptional after school programs in academics, arts and athletics. We were invited to join their monthy “Meet the Artist” series, where local artists share their work with elementary school aged kids. As it happens, they had just finished a food inspired art exhibit called “We Are What We Eat” – so we were thrilled to talk to them about the art of Modern Bite. These kids are incredibly artistic and were excited to dive in and do some cookie decorating. They were amazed at the colors and patterns of our Tile Cookies and eager to come up with designs of their own. We used food grade markers and each cookie artist designed 2-3 tile cookies. Here’s how the finished cookie mosaic looked. Thank you Nara for inviting us and to all the kids at HOLA for welcoming us and sharing your inspiring creativity.